This Participation Agreement (“Agreement”) governs the attendance and participation at the Bridal Extravaganza Show (“Event”) by the registering exhibitor, sponsor, or participant (“Exhibitor/Sponsor”). Bridal Extravaganza, Inc. (“Show Host & Sponsor”) and the Exhibitor/Sponsor agree as follows:

Cancellation Policy: The Exhibitor/Sponsor shall be responsible for the full fee upon cancellation at any time for any reason, with no refunds.
Payment Terms: Full payment for all Exhibitors/Sponsorships is due at the time of registration unless a payment plan option is utilized or a special offer is in place. Payment plans are offered at the discretion of the Show Producer and are subject to the specific terms and conditions of those offers. If payments are not received as stipulated by the agreed-upon terms, your registration is subject to automatic cancellation, and your booth will be released for resale with no compensation owed to you. Please note that if your registration is canceled due to non-payment, you may be prohibited from booking Exhibitor/Sponsorships in the future at Bridal Extravaganza, Inc.’s sole discretion. Bridal Extravaganza, Inc. is not responsible for any errors made due to late payment.

Exhibitor/Sponsor Requirements:
3.1 Unethical marketing practices are grounds for denial of admission.
3.2 One business promotion per booth; purchase required for additional businesses.
3.3 No suitcasing; violations result in ejection and potential ban.
3.4 Booth specifications will follow fire code and safety regulations.
3.5 A $500 penalty applies for early booth dismantling.
3.6 Registered Lead List provided for exclusive use; unauthorized use may result in fines and legal action.
3.7 Automatic Renewal Program participants will be contacted for payment for the next show.
3.8 Children are not allowed during setup and tear-down.

Limitation of Liability; Disclaimer of Damages:
4.1 No liability for loss, damage, or injury to Exhibitor’s property.
4.2 No warranties given for the Event; participation is “as-is.”
4.3 Liability for any damages limited to the amount paid by Exhibitor/Sponsor.
4.4 Liability for damages to Facility by Exhibitor/Sponsor.

Indemnification: Exhibitor/Sponsor to indemnify the Show Host & Sponsor against all losses from breaches, wrongful acts, or intellectual property violations.

Subleasing: Prohibited.
Full terms & conditions can be found at
Marketing Policy:
Consent to receive marketing materials. You may opt-out available via email ([email protected]) or unsubscribe link in email.
Governing Law: This Agreement shall be solely governed by Harris County, Texas laws.

By signing, you agree to the full and complete terms and conditions.

Signature: ____________________ Date: ________

Print Name: _______________________________