
Wedding Trends, Tips & Tricks, Real Weddings, and More!

Terms of Use

This Participation Agreement (“Agreement”) governs the attendance and participation at the Bridal Extravaganza Show (“Event”) by the registering exhibitor, sponsor, or participant (“Exhibitor/Sponsor”). Bridal Extravaganza,

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Exhibitor Agreement

This Participation Agreement (“Agreement”) governs the attendance and participation at the Bridal Extravaganza Show (“Event”) by the registering exhibitor, sponsor, or participant (“Exhibitor/Sponsor”). Bridal Extravaganza,

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Advice to Brides at Visit the Venues

Visit the Venues is a series of events held by Bridal Extravaganza. These events take you and your party to different wedding venues on luxury buses and allow you to get a sense of what each venue offers.

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Event Lighting

Why is event lighting so important at a wedding? Couples: as you work hard to create the perfect event, don’t forget about event lighting. This

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